Here you will find information on our monthly meetings, current projects, and events that we are working on.

Electric Vehicle Task Force

The Central Saanich Community Association EV Task Force is made up of local residents wanting to bring awareness and encourage Central Saanich Council to address EV infrastructure issues.  Individuals and communities are looking for ways to meet greenhouse gas emission targets, improve air quality and reduce noise pollution.  The purpose of this Task Force is to identify actions and recommendations that support the District of Central Saanich Council’s Climate Leadership Plan and to address community issues related to EVs.

After much research, the EV Task Force recommends that the Central Saanich Community Association:

  1. Support an EV-friendly community (use of electric modes of transportation e.g., vehicles, bikes, scooters) within and to/from the Central Saanich community.
  2. Encourage the Mayor and Council members of the District of Central Saanich to continue to a) provide statements of support for electric modes of transportation, including public charging stations; and b) pass zoning bylaws that support the addition of EV infrastructure in new construction and c) support modifications to existing buildings to support EV charging.
  3. Inform Central Saanich Community Association members about EV related initiatives, including information about EV groups that promote the use of and provide education about the use of electric modes of transportation.
  4. Promote activities that lead to the installation of public charging stations throughout the Central Saanich community, that would provide good access for EV charging and promote charging etiquette.
  5. Request that the District of Central Saanich consider the installation of a second EV dedicated parking spot immediately adjacent to the current EV dedicated parking spot at the Central Saanich Library, to increase charging opportunities.
  6. Support continued community involvement related to EVs by establishing either a Central Saanich Community Association EV Committee or an EV Representative on the Central Saanich Community Association Board of Directors.

Please join us for our meeting on Nov 6th to discuss the recommendations further and vote to advance the EV task force initiatives.

Active Transportation Task Force

This recently established task force is focused on gathering information on municipal road safety context, other jurisdiction’s best practices, tools, and resources.  They will reach out to organizations with similar goals to align mandates on this issue, raise awareness of the issue during the upcoming election and budget processes, and promote the development of an active transportation plan, an implementation plan and ensure that road safety/active transportation is included within the Official community plan, strategic plan and annual municipal budget.

This group will be having another meeting on Saturday, Sept 29th at 4:00 pm at J.J’s coffee house. If you are interested in this topic and would like to get involved, please join us there or feel free to email us at to find out more information.